Thursday, August 17, 2006

Put the claws away and I'll tell you a secret, or Make money, get chicks

I'm not backing down on this one. Garden State was an assault on a great many things I hold dear. I would rather Zach Braff make an entire movie about how I was bad in bed than do what he did. I feel like he lied. To a lot of people. But then you hear him interviewed and he sounds like a decent guy. VERY passionate about music. Just, you know, stop feeling so important.

For those who are in the know, I'm preety sure Sabretooth is officially back. And not "Sabretooth as a fake name for a friend Sabretooth." Sabretooth. THE Sabretooth. Phaedrus. THAT Sabreooth. He's been singing lately, and It feels good. A little strange. But good. Warm, you know? Wow. Rereading that, I hope no one thinks I'm crazy. :)

Does anyone else wonder if we can really appreciate Dave Chapelle right now? I just feel like he's lightyears beyond anyone else. There are a lot of smart people in the world, and a lot of them have made their work accessible. I don't know. I'm just consistently blown away by him. I don't even think he's that funny anymore. Not in the sense that LMS was funny. My jaw just drops sometimes. I caught a minute of him on Inside the Actors Studio and while the whole thing was a little heavy-handed, I get it. I wish I could follow in his footsteps a little bit. You know, the 50 million dollar ones.

Adam Carolla is also a genius. Kind of an obnoxious one, but still. I just wish he took himself a little bit more seriously. I would imagine that you can only scream about the things that don't make sense for so long before you give up, get yours, and go home. I guess that's what it's about. However, this caught my ear: He was ranting about the confidence everyone has these days. Like the people who fail miserably and then resolve not to ever give up and prove everyone wrong. I really don't get that. Not everyone was meant to shine. Or at least resolve to get better. That's always been my thought. Just keep getting better, at whatever it is you do. That's my whole deal. Oh yeah, and chicken fries. Self-improvement and chicken fries. And the lotto. OK, I have a lot of deals.



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