A wrought iron gate for my ironic rotting gut
There. That's better. Like a nice warm sweater.
I am SO thankful for Beyonce Knowles. Her new single is beyond good. "Crazy in Love" blew my mind, but this may be better. It's less gimicky. Just her. So good. I really think, if she keeps it up, that she may go down as one of the best female artists ever. If not the best. Ok, now I'm cycloping it.
How is everyone? Christmas treated you well I hope?
I've been running a lot. Daily in fact. And as tired as I am once I stop, I really feel like after a few minutes of rest that I could handle some full-court basketball. See, the plan is to not be such a raging fat ass. I don't actually think I'm fat, not yet anyway. But the former plan was going to get me there in a goddamn quick hurry.
Check it.