Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Piece everything together

Check out this sweet project I almost forgot to tell you about. I had way too much fun with this. This thing was a terrible brown color before I got my hands on it. Now it's a terrible yellow. I plan more projects of similar nature, just because the process was so fun, all the way from procurement to completion. In this case, sitting.
It has been an odd Halloween. I dressed as a cowboy, complete with a little girls cowboy hat. I even galloped. So there.

It was also my very first 'Een in Alameda. This place gets more wonderful by the day. There were SO many kids partaking in the traditional festivities. I was a little disappointed in the costumes, but I haven't seen this many trick or treat-ers in 10 years. Or more. Since I was a kid. And they've stayed out late, too. It's 9ish and there are still a few stragglers. I'm impressed. But who knew all the Halloween fans moved here?

Heroes is a fantastic show. It's probably too far into the season to catch up, but anyone who stuck through the first 2 or 3 episodes has been rewarded. It's funny, but it dawned on me today that Joss Whedon really ruined broadcast television for me. If I'm going to like a show, I expect it to at least approach Buffy and Angel levels, but the reality of that is pretty unlikely. So I'm sticking with Heroes for a while. Hopefully it will continue to get better.

I quit my job. Got another one. Not very exciting.

Check out this sweet project I almost forgot to tell you about. I had way too much fun with this. This thing was a terrible brown color before I got my hands on it. Now it's a terrible yellow. I plan more projects of similar nature, just because the process was so fun, all the way from procurement to completion. In this case, sitting.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

You're going to die

There was a brilliant idea thrown out into the cosmos tonight. Basically, when we all turn thirty, we get new names. Just first names, but new ones. Names that will really comprise the fanny packs, minivans, and mustaches in our future. Names that actually make you feel LESS alive everytime you hear them. For instance, Wolverine, upon commencement of his thirtieth birthday will henceforth be known as Rick. And Gambit will be known as Roger. This gets decided by whoever comprises the friend counsel with which you surround yourself. Those are just guy examples. The ladies at the table were given the names Debra, Anne, and Carol.

Yo la Tengo! was not what I thought they were. And I still let them off the hook. (I could listen to Mr. Green's soundbite endlessly) But yeah, YL to the T was way moe jam-bandish than I would have hoped. I inhaled more pot than ever before, too. On the upside, I did find $20. I'm not keeping it, just trying to figure out a good use for it. I'll keep you posted.

Ah, Girls Gone Wild. If anorexic pornstars who look slightly comatose pretending to be hapless coeds and pawing at each other for the "first time" doesn't turn you on, you're probably dead.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

On the turnpike, making headway

Who knew there was such interest in fp.com? I'm with Steve though. Someone ought to purchase/snap/buy that name right up before someone else does. I'm not sold on finalperusal as the name, but it describes so aptly what we do. Or are going to do. As for Rogue's comment regarding that very question, what we do, it's hard to say. Consultant brokerage? One more set of eyes? We role in a big office and play ping pong. We give Google a run for their fucking money. Sorry Google. Please don't shoot me with your lazer. WHICH I know you have.

Some thoughts...

I still haven't got a good answer for the joke that preceeds the punchline "texas hold me". And there has to be one. I'm open to suggestions. Brett-crawler had a pretty good one but I can't remember what it was.

Anyone else watching Heroes?

Why isn't this american life more popular? The show, at its core, is brilliant. Just people telling stories. Apparently there's a big world of storytellers out there. They even CHARGE for this service. Not unlike rock musicians I guess.

Monday, October 16, 2006

I am the third heat

Some things I like to watch online are: the episode of Frisky Dingo over at adultswim.com, the 300 movie preview, and the first episode of 30 Rock. Oh, and the video for "Existentialism on Prom Night" by Straylight Run is pretty good. Not great, but good.

I may have some major news in the job front in the next few days. If things go well, I will. If they don't, I'll just be stuck in purgatory for a few more forevers. I agree with my mom, life is too short for all this bullshit. She said this while holding her dollar sign pendant and popping her collar. Hey, who am I too judge?

I'm deadset on getting finalperusal.com off the ground, too. I started writing the first piece of advertising I'd do for it (a craigslist post) and thinking of other ways to get the word out. The thing is, I firmly believe it's a great business idea, but it may be hard to convince others of that. I think some people don't value an outside perspective. I mean, it can be wonderfully valuable, but how do you convince someone to spend their money on that? Well that's what I'm going to try. Me and an army.

PS: This....is....SPARTA!

PPS: I also want to be writing comic books now. And doing my radio show.

Monday, October 09, 2006

A way out from under the sea

I've had a couple of friends now, directly involved in their own way with the music industry, who seem to have made a similar transition in their musical tastes. It seems, in some small way, that they've taken a turn to the more erratic and outlandish. I've having a hard time putting this into words exactly. Let's say we could put bands into quantified groups of quality. A being the highest, and so on down the line. These two individuals never really had much inetrest in A-C, but found their way into D-F. Well now, after a few years of really exploring A-M, they've found their way into P, Q, and even further down the line. I'm jealous. But also not. I really enjoy the music I listen to and wouldn't want to shelve it. Gar. This thought was better when I started writing.

Things I like include: the last 10 minutes of every episode of Heroes, Adult Swim, Underwater Stories, playoff baseball, my San Francisco friends,

I subscribed to Wizard today. I haven't even really thought about that magazine for a few years but I made a trip to the local comic book store today and had a nice chat witht he lady who runs in. I told her I was overwhelmed by what was available and was having a hard time figuring what was worth my time. To my surprise, she said she gets that a lot. She recommended picking a writer I like, and reading them exclusively. She had some thoughts on the medium itself I didn't really agree with, but she was pretty nice. I'm hoping Wizard can start to provide some structure for my interests. Who knows. There is so much out there. But the whole day made me want to put my own together again. I've never really been able to make that happen, but I'm thinking I've figured out a way to tackle my biggest problem. It involves photoshop!

Gambit and Rogue had a really fun party on Saturday. I was still getting over my bout of strep throat and called it an early night, but I ended up getting there kind of early, so it all evened out. It was fun. Some gross beverages were being passed around, but also some really delicious ones. Who knew Horchata was so good?!

Friday, October 06, 2006

They've all got the one about running all night from the campus cops

* - if necessary.

Oh, fuck yes.

I am beyond excited for tonight. You mean I don't have to stay in my house all night? I get to go out! Between that and the above I feel like I'm 9 years old again. Not that I got locked in my house when I was 9....Oh crap.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Speakers push the air

I haven't written much about Polaris here. I'd like to. I guess it's still hard, and I'm not sure anyone wants to read it. Anyway, the thoughts are there. Just figured I'd mention something other than TV. Which is boring.

I'm looking forward to this weekend something terrible. I just need to be out of the house for a while. I need to see friends and change perspectives a bit.

It's weird to think you can take something like swallowing for granted. I'd actually like to explore the thought process behind taking things for granted. Just how do we do it? It happens so often, and almost always has negative consequences, and yet we do it ALL the time. S'weird.

What does the expression Marvel-6 mean to you? It should mean a lot.

Alright, lates.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Guarding that giraffe

So. Here are some random thoughts: Fuck, fuck, fuck strep throat. It's the worst. It's the beyond worst. The A's are up 2-0 in their series against Minnesota, coming back to the 'town (que dramatic music, sweeping shot of the cranes at sunset). I'm excited. Oregon plays UC-fifteen minutes away on Saturday. I'm a little torn. However, the over/under is 57.5. Having watched a lot of both teams, take the over. OK, no more sports.

The real reason I started writing this was that Ben has me linked via his blog with the phrase "I threw an icepick at him". True story. Stuck in my arm and everything. Except the best line from that whole morning was his reasoning. That being, "I thought it was a screw driver."

I've watched so much goddamn TV over the past five days, it's retarded. Just me in my apartment watching two kinds of cable. I did check out V for Vendetta which was WAY better than I could have hoped for. Probably the best comic book movie to date. I suppose that isn't saying much.

I missed a kickass weekend, or so it sounds like. I shall do my best to make up for it this weekend. Not sure how to make up for the lost Ted and Brian time.