Monday, October 09, 2006

A way out from under the sea

I've had a couple of friends now, directly involved in their own way with the music industry, who seem to have made a similar transition in their musical tastes. It seems, in some small way, that they've taken a turn to the more erratic and outlandish. I've having a hard time putting this into words exactly. Let's say we could put bands into quantified groups of quality. A being the highest, and so on down the line. These two individuals never really had much inetrest in A-C, but found their way into D-F. Well now, after a few years of really exploring A-M, they've found their way into P, Q, and even further down the line. I'm jealous. But also not. I really enjoy the music I listen to and wouldn't want to shelve it. Gar. This thought was better when I started writing.

Things I like include: the last 10 minutes of every episode of Heroes, Adult Swim, Underwater Stories, playoff baseball, my San Francisco friends,

I subscribed to Wizard today. I haven't even really thought about that magazine for a few years but I made a trip to the local comic book store today and had a nice chat witht he lady who runs in. I told her I was overwhelmed by what was available and was having a hard time figuring what was worth my time. To my surprise, she said she gets that a lot. She recommended picking a writer I like, and reading them exclusively. She had some thoughts on the medium itself I didn't really agree with, but she was pretty nice. I'm hoping Wizard can start to provide some structure for my interests. Who knows. There is so much out there. But the whole day made me want to put my own together again. I've never really been able to make that happen, but I'm thinking I've figured out a way to tackle my biggest problem. It involves photoshop!

Gambit and Rogue had a really fun party on Saturday. I was still getting over my bout of strep throat and called it an early night, but I ended up getting there kind of early, so it all evened out. It was fun. Some gross beverages were being passed around, but also some really delicious ones. Who knew Horchata was so good?!


Blogger ben said...

regarding bands A-Z, you've completely lost me.

and if, by "gross beverage", you're referring to my beloved sparks light (with or without pumpkins mash), how DARE you!!!??

11:20 PM  

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