Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's all so fucking hilarious

Gambit pointed out that I refered to him sans x-men code in a previous post. Despite "factual evidence" I deny ever doing this. But now I feel like Dignan at the end of Bottle Rocket.

Some movies you all should watch: Road to Perdition, L.A. Confidential, The Science of Sleep.

I've been enjoying a TV filled, bed-bound evening. Catching up on TV and such. Two thoughts, the first being that Scrubs was WAY better than anyone thought, and people thought it was pretty good. Congrats to all cast members on being syndicated. They can all live comfortably now. Secondly, I watched Heroes on NBC. Not sure how a show like that ever gets made. I enjoyed it. But I feel like it was made for me and my friends, only they tried to water it down with enough stuff for, you know, regular people. But I may never watch another episode because I just can't seem to invest a specific hour a week to a tv show. I need tivo. But if you're into that sort of thing, you could check it out. Who am I kidding? The people who read this don't watch tv...but you can watch the first episode online.

It's been a weird day. Actually it just started off weird, which has made the day seem off. Its actually been a nice day. That doesn't make any sense. Screw it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we do a Heroes night?

I had thought it looked good, but I thought that I only thought that because I'm so susceptible to media hype... especially when it involves a cheerleader who has superpowers.

I miss Buffy.

3:38 PM  

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