Friday, September 22, 2006

My life as ice sculpture

Two fucking weeks since I last wrote anything??!?! That seems preposterous. And I don't believe blogger.

What have YOU all been up to?

I came across a film the other day, one I did not watch, but one that struck a chord of some sort. I think it was called, with a delightful play on words, "Santa's Slay". You can probably tell just what sort of movie this was. Anyway, the plot, as far as I could tell, went thusly: Santa Clause, as we know him, is only that way because of a 1,000 year pact with the devil due to a lost bet. In actuality, Santa is a muderous monster (played in this case by none other than Bill Goldberg, former WCW and WWE champion). The devastating swath of his evil is then forced upon innocent children, one would assume. One could also assume that the band of adventurers ultimately responsible for restoring the order of things to Christmas would tickle my fancy in a way not tickled since "Aliens". Are any of you wondering where this is going? I should tell you now it's not going anywhere. The movie just piqued my interest and I thought I would share that with you....Ok, look. Russ posted his entire physical library. Who's to judge?

I had this other thought. But I truly don't remember it. If the weekend goes as planned, I'll end up with baked s'mores and well groomed feet.


Blogger Ciana said...

baked 'smores...don't think i've forgotten...

8:00 AM  

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