Sunday, November 26, 2006

so fuck it, here's your love song

Oh, it has been an adventure. Let's go backwards, shall we?

I watched the Raider game with my dad, brother, and the Gambit. It was good times. After that (we're not going backwards anymore. Come on, keep up.) Gambit and I went to see the Tenacious D film. I was disappointed. Not by the humor, or anything. That was pretty much status quo. But the songs, oh the songs were a bit of a letdown.

Yesterday was Wild Turkey Day. I wonder if I can even do it justice in print. We played kickball. There was a deer carcass. I suck at kickball. Immensely. It is a game of precision though, if you can believe that. The thing is, you can't physically kick the ball past anyone. You can kick it on the ground, which is really your best bet. Catching the ball is tricky, too. But we pulled it out in the end. We drafted boy/girl/boy/girl, etc. I think I sealed the victory with my first girl pick. She was involved in at least three collisions, two of which led to scoring. Go us.

We also played american football. I really enjoy playing that game, but I am beyond sore today. I can't figure out why. Perhaps it's the lack of physical activity and then a combination of sprints and crashing into people? That might do it. But it was fun. There's really nothing more fun than catching a football in a dead sprint. Oh yeah, funny line of the day, as said by Cyclops: "I saw Wolverine and I said, 'There's my hole.'" He also said he didn't like Triple H later, which was random and hilarious. I heart Cyclops.

The party side of the day was rad, too. The SF contingent didn't stay too long, which was sad. But they all had a whole variety of reasons for parting ways. It was really nice to catch up with Cable. It had been about a year since I had seen/ talked to him. I've got to be better about that. But we rapped about comics and work and he offered me more shoes, since I've damn near rocked the original pair he gave me into the ground. So that was cool.

It was just nice to see everyone after being away for a few weekends. And I think a Port Costa trip is in order for this weekend. And then LA. Go LA! It'll be good to see 80's era Storm. And dirtbag. He's a new X-man. You probably haven't heard of him. Nate's house was a big hit. Northstar had a pretty interesting theory about the underwear on the wall.

I could knock down a house with all the shit I know.


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