Friday, November 03, 2006

(Table) Leaves

Say what you want about the mass commercialization of Christmas in this country, but everything just smells better once the decorations get broken out.

I was sort of sleepwalking through my last day today, and I think I was in or near the bathroom when this particular thought occured to me. Basically, I sort of have this loose image of an information pipeline. Things come down the pipeline. Things ened up in pools where we can see the information. Disseminate it at our leisure. But if things are engaged in this pipelining, then there has to be something at the top, right? Something making the decisions about what comes down? These are pipes, damn it! They aren't just going to be left to ebb and flow on their own. That would be a waste of resources.

And I really don't want to think about William Randoplh Hearst and Dick Cheney making the decisions as to what gets released.

So what I have proposed to myself, accepted, and will now do is to immediately cease thinking about an "information pipeline" and instead think of it as in "information creek". Meaning there is a great lake somewhere holding all the world's information, occasionally letting things trickle out and down a great mountain where those pieces can join raging rivers of thought eventually dumping into the lakes, and oceans, and tributaries that is us.

I will now go be crazy on my own time.


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