Sunday, November 26, 2006

so fuck it, here's your love song

Oh, it has been an adventure. Let's go backwards, shall we?

I watched the Raider game with my dad, brother, and the Gambit. It was good times. After that (we're not going backwards anymore. Come on, keep up.) Gambit and I went to see the Tenacious D film. I was disappointed. Not by the humor, or anything. That was pretty much status quo. But the songs, oh the songs were a bit of a letdown.

Yesterday was Wild Turkey Day. I wonder if I can even do it justice in print. We played kickball. There was a deer carcass. I suck at kickball. Immensely. It is a game of precision though, if you can believe that. The thing is, you can't physically kick the ball past anyone. You can kick it on the ground, which is really your best bet. Catching the ball is tricky, too. But we pulled it out in the end. We drafted boy/girl/boy/girl, etc. I think I sealed the victory with my first girl pick. She was involved in at least three collisions, two of which led to scoring. Go us.

We also played american football. I really enjoy playing that game, but I am beyond sore today. I can't figure out why. Perhaps it's the lack of physical activity and then a combination of sprints and crashing into people? That might do it. But it was fun. There's really nothing more fun than catching a football in a dead sprint. Oh yeah, funny line of the day, as said by Cyclops: "I saw Wolverine and I said, 'There's my hole.'" He also said he didn't like Triple H later, which was random and hilarious. I heart Cyclops.

The party side of the day was rad, too. The SF contingent didn't stay too long, which was sad. But they all had a whole variety of reasons for parting ways. It was really nice to catch up with Cable. It had been about a year since I had seen/ talked to him. I've got to be better about that. But we rapped about comics and work and he offered me more shoes, since I've damn near rocked the original pair he gave me into the ground. So that was cool.

It was just nice to see everyone after being away for a few weekends. And I think a Port Costa trip is in order for this weekend. And then LA. Go LA! It'll be good to see 80's era Storm. And dirtbag. He's a new X-man. You probably haven't heard of him. Nate's house was a big hit. Northstar had a pretty interesting theory about the underwear on the wall.

I could knock down a house with all the shit I know.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm no fighter

And I don't ever want to be. I'm not going to start fighting you. Not now. I just don't care enough. So especially not now.

On the other hand, Havok kicks some serious ass. Of all the characters in the X-verse, I feel like Havok could handle his shit better than anyone. Well, him and Banshee. Who, if you haven't heard, was recently done away with. Did I write about all that already? It's ridiculous. I'm sure he'll come back. I mean, they all do. But Banshee?! Screw that noise.

24 hours, 15 minutes and counting.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Where Asimov got his ideas.

There was much discussion about 'the blog' at Gambit's the other night. Not this blog necessarily, but in general. Then I left there and came here and went to sleep. Oh, we also discussed abortion season. Who knew there was a season? Or a website devoted to said season...

Today was Thanksgiving, and it was underwhelming. I had delicious indian food. Which was nice. Mostly though, it was just a day. I talked to my brother, which reminds me of the horrible text messages he bombarded me with while we were in Vegas. I read them all out loud last night. 'Aids' was a big theme.

Pantheon the cat and I seem to get along famously. Or maybe not. He seems mostly to pity me. But when I scoop him up and whirl him around the kitchen or the balcony or whatever other location he is being whirled, he just gives me a little cry and then settles into his fate. I say fate like it's a bad thing. Mostly it's being cuddled though, so how bad is it really?

Wild Turkey Day is coming sooooooooooooon....

I hope there will be pictures.

The list of people who I will see, who I haven't seen recently, is enormous. Giving them all names is going to require wikipedia.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Like New

I took some pictures this weekend of a sunrise, a tarantula, Russ and a tarantula, Russ and knives, and HWY 101. All good fun. Then I also watched Batman Begins, which was pretty good, but stabbed the wind from my sails with a very long and boring chase scene. I have decided I hate chase scenes. If I ever make a movie, I will attempt to make one entertaining.

It is true, as Russ points out, that I am a cranky so and so until I have my morning milk. Do not even talk to me until I have that first sip of milk on my lips. Then I can face the day. Good for nothing addicts....

The weekend was long-ish. I didn't sleep terribly well and I can still feel that today. My eyes is all hot and tired. But time with Russ (lots of it) was wonderful. Lots of other things were fun, too. Like crashing on Nate's bed. Playing frisbee with Katie. Feeding people.

Russ also gave me a beautiful little book to read. So impressed with the gesture was I that I put down the book he recommended, and have begun reading the one he physically expelled funds for. I will enjoy the experience and report back to you on the tome, asap.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We'll come around when you stop shooting at us

Some thoughts...

I miss my old myspace blog. I feel like it was, better, in some way. Maybe not.

Currently listening a song by Lupe Fiasco featuring Jonah. Yes, that Lupe Fiasco. And that Jonah.

Why does the new Deftones single sound oddly like Coldplay? Nonetheless, I like it, and it is good.

I know I need to compose the longest email to 80's era Storm. I need to explain everything that's happened, how much I miss her, and do my best to explain why I haven't been in touch for so long. Maybe I'll do that tonight. I mean, I don't have any other Jewish friends to call on Christmas. We need to patch things up.

James Taylor is highly underrated.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

And hey, if you want me to, I'll take a knife to

Here is a list of the top 5 musical artists who I wish would write and produce their own musical:

1. Beck
2. Chris & Brendan of the Lawrence Arms
3. Chris Mangum
4. The kid from Beirut
5. Jay-Z

I could think of about 50 other ones, too. Tori Amos, Tim from Cursive, and Neko Case all come to mind. But those were my top 5. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Pumpkin bread, my dad's excitement over iTunes, and no more office work for 9 days make me EXTREMELY happy.

Friday, November 03, 2006

(Table) Leaves

Say what you want about the mass commercialization of Christmas in this country, but everything just smells better once the decorations get broken out.

I was sort of sleepwalking through my last day today, and I think I was in or near the bathroom when this particular thought occured to me. Basically, I sort of have this loose image of an information pipeline. Things come down the pipeline. Things ened up in pools where we can see the information. Disseminate it at our leisure. But if things are engaged in this pipelining, then there has to be something at the top, right? Something making the decisions about what comes down? These are pipes, damn it! They aren't just going to be left to ebb and flow on their own. That would be a waste of resources.

And I really don't want to think about William Randoplh Hearst and Dick Cheney making the decisions as to what gets released.

So what I have proposed to myself, accepted, and will now do is to immediately cease thinking about an "information pipeline" and instead think of it as in "information creek". Meaning there is a great lake somewhere holding all the world's information, occasionally letting things trickle out and down a great mountain where those pieces can join raging rivers of thought eventually dumping into the lakes, and oceans, and tributaries that is us.

I will now go be crazy on my own time.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Holy Ghost hunter

I caught Passing Strange tonight in Berkeley with a trio of PhD students from the U. I always get a little nervous hanging around people who are that far along in their education. But they were cool. They didn't even bore me with econ theory. We talked a lot about break-ups, and boys...and pedicures...and marshmallows.

Passing Strange, for those of you out of the know, is a musical about, um, something. Life? Music? Let me put it this way: It took place in LA, Amersterdam, and Berlin, then back to LA. There were some REALLY good songs, but they could have been longer. All the songs could have been tighter, too. If you broke it up into quarters, numbers 2 and 3 were solid, while 1 and 4 were kind of lost. It was fun though, and I think has lots of potential. Theatre, unlike film, is dynamic. They can add stuff, change things, etc. Hopefully Stew and the crew will do just that.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Live every week like it's shark week

I’m over microwaves. I spent way too much money on one right after I moved in, and following the discovery that I can’t actually plug it in without unplugging the fridge, have used it exactly twice. I’m done with it. The final straw was today when I warmed up soup in the micro at work, but found the inside of the device unpleasantly warm. It was just sitting there. And its insides were hot. That ain’t right.

I need to stop falling asleep at lunch. Bad habit. Bad, bad habit.

About the job switch. It never felt right from outset. I'm not really into auras and stuff, but the "vibe" was ALL wrong. It's a little scary, because I don't know that the switch is going to fix that. It does give me a mental cushion to explore some other options, which I desperately need. I need to stop being so tired. Of course, part of my malaise is my diet, and part if a lack of regular exercise. But this soul crushing job has a lot to do with it as well. The reaction has been pretty consistent. Shock, then acceptance. Most folks are glad I'm not going to stay somewhere I hate. Explaining why I hate it is a whole other matter. People in such a beauracratic environment don't typically respond well to words like "soul-crushing". They tend to deal more in absolutes.